Midlothian Compact
The Midlothian Compact exists to promote positive working relationships between the third sector and Midlothian Council. It updates and builds on the original Compact, which was produced in 2008. Although it focuses primarily on the relationship between the third sector and Midlothian Council, the document is also relevant to partnership working with the statutory sector more widely, including organisations such as the NHS and Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership.
At a time of continued budget cuts in the public sector (with significant knock-on impacts for the third sector), we consider it to be more important than ever that public agencies maintain and strengthen their commitment to partnership working. The Midlothian Compact lays out the following core values:
- Togetherness: We will work together to design and deliver services for the people of Midlothian.
- Respect: We will offer each other mutual respect and parity of esteem, valuing the knowledge, skills and constraints within both sectors at all levels.
- Accountability: We will work with each other openly and with mutual accountability.
- Creativity: We will seek creative approaches in response to opportunities and challenges.
- Kindness: We are committed to putting kind and socially inclusive interactions at the heart of all our work.