Funding: undoubtedly a major concern for most third sector organisations, and one of the main ways in which charities generate income. It is a varied landscape out there, but there are lots of different websites which allow you to search for different types of grant to suit your needs. Read on for more information about where to find funding in Midlothian and beyond.
Other funding opportunities
Probably the best known funding page is that of SCVO, which includes FAQ’s, a search engine and information about COVID-19 funding. You can view the page here.
National Lottery Community Fund provides regular updates and details of funds which are over or under subscribed. For newer organisations we recommend Awards 4 All as a great way into National Lottery Community Fund funding.
Often the best way to keep tabs on funding is by signing up to networks operating in your sector. Social Enterprise Scotland and DTAS, for example, all send out regular alerts with funding news, sometimes only available for their members.
Unfortunately in 2023, Midlothian’s elected members voted to cut the council’s grants programme in order to make budget savings.
Get one to one support
If you want to discuss funding, get in touch and we can point you in the right direction. We also run training sessions about funding and financial sustainability – sign up to our TSI email bulletin to be kept up to date about these. For more immediate information and guidance, international NGO the Charities Aid Foundation also have a useful set of fundraising resources and other guides on their website.
Fundraising resources
There are a number of current priorities that have been set by Midlothian and the Scottish Government which can support your funding application, we advise that you spend some time researching the relevant links below and look at our good practice guides to evaluation.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Template
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Community Engagement / Consultation
National Standards for Community Engagement
Impact Measurement
Setting outcomes and indicators
Evidence of Need
Midlothian Citizens’ Panel Reports
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)
A Fairer Greener Scotland: Programme for Government 2021-22
Poverty in Scotland 2021 Report – Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Net Zero / 20 minute Neighbourhoods
Midlothian Green Business Pledge
What Do 20-minute Neighbourhoods Mean For Midlothian?