• Our volunteering guidelines are now live

    Are you involved in organising coronavirus volunteers in your local area? Do you work for a local Third Sector organisation as a volunteer co-ordinator? Together with our local resilience partners, Volunteer Midlothian has developed a set of COVID-19 response guidelines that should be of help in the coming weeks and months. Despite the fact that we are in the midst of a public health emergency and there is a desire to act fast, it’s still really important to ensure that volunteering is carried out safely and effectively for the sake of everyone involved. 

    Please also share widely with other organisations and people you work with. If you’ve any questions of you think we’ve missed something, email us at info@volunteermidlothian.org.uk 

    Coronavirus emergency response in Midlothian

    There has been a huge response from local communities in Midlothian wanting to help with the coronavirus response. To ensure that volunteers and the community are adequately supported, and so that efforts are properly coordinated, Midlothian Council are currently gathering details of everyone who is organising support in their local area. We are helping with this process and are liaising with other key organisations including the Midlothian Health and Social Care Partnership, as well as our Third Sector partners, to put together a set of good practice guidelines for volunteering activities related to COVID-19. The guidelines will include some important questions to consider when developing volunteer activities in the community, and will be circulated widely once finalised. 

    If you are a coordinator in your area please email CLL@midlothian.gov.uk as soon as possible to let Midlothian Council know what you are doing. Please also ensure that you provide a main contact name and telephone number so that advice and information can be effectively shared and so we can ensure support is properly targeted. 

    In the meantime, Volunteer Midlothian will be taking the details of anyone who contacts us wanting to volunteer and will be helping to connect people up in due course, once we have a clearer picture of where volunteers are most needed. MVA, Volunteer Midlothian and SEAM (Midlothian Third Sector Interface) have arranged for most staff to work from home in line with the latest government guidance for social distancing. We will, however, continue to cover emergency planning meetings and feed back to the sector through emails, website updates and social media. 

    We will pick up our emails and messages regularly so please keep in touch. No decision has been made as yet to postpone or cancel events related to Volunteers Week 2020, including the volunteer awards ceremony. This is being kept under review and we will let you know if plans change. Please take care and get in touch if there is anything you think we can help with, or if you have any specific questions related to volunteering in the coming weeks and months. 

    Nominations now open for Midlothian Volunteers’ Week Awards 2020

    We are super-excited to be hosting the annual volunteer awards ceremony again this year in Midlothian. The event forms part of Volunteers’ Week from 1-7th June 2020, an annual celebration of the fantastic contribution that millions of volunteers make across the UK each year. Preparations are already well underway – most importantly to gather nominations. There are ten award categories in total, all of which are independently judged, including:

    Outstanding New Volunteer, Befriender/Mentor of the Year, Active Volunteering, Service to the Community, Health and Wellbeing, Long Service to Volunteering and Volunteer Manager of the Year. We also award up to twelve outstanding young volunteers with the Saltire Summit Award.  

    HOW TO NOMINATE: This is a fabulous opportunity to reward Midlothian’s most active and dedicated volunteers for the part they play in supporting people, communities and the local economy. Nominations can be made via any organisation that is a registered charity or constituted voluntary group, or by staff/volunteers who want to nominate a volunteer manager.

    You can nominate on Survey Monkey by going to this link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/N7MPZVH

    Alternatively, email Miriam to be sent out a nomination pack that can be printed, or call the Volunteer Midlothian office on 0131 660 1216 if you have any other queries. Get your thinking caps on as to who deserves some recognition this year – we can’t wait to hear from you!

    Come to our 2020 Volunteer Recruitment Fair on 26th Feb in Dalkeith

    We are excited to be hosting a Volunteer Recruitment Fair on Wednesday 26th February 2020, from 1-6 p.m. at St John’s and King’s Park Church in Dalkeith.

    The event will give local folk the opportunity to find out more about volunteering and the types of volunteer roles that are available at the moment in Midlothian. Did you know we have over 140 roles listed here on our website currently? You can learn more about what local organisations are looking for, and what they can offer you in return if you do decide to get involved and volunteer your time. We have been advertising widely to local organisations and there will be plenty of friendly faces there to chat to about roles in the care sector, retail, gardening, youth work, childcare, befriending and more.

    There will also be free tea and cake, so come in and say hi! If you work for a local organisation, we still have a couple of spaces left for stall holders. See you there! 

    Glencorse Centre looking for cafe volunteers

    The lovely team at Glencorse Centre are looking for cafe volunteers. The centre is very near to the main Penicuik bus route and not difficult to get to. This is an excellent cafe catering for all members of the local community, and the opportunity would be ideal if you’re looking to improve your kitchen skills/experience in a friendly, supportive environment.

    The café is normally open from 10am-2pm Monday-Friday. The simple menu includes fresh coffee and other drinks, homebaking, soups, sandwiches, toasties and paninis which are prepared on-site. A full induction and training of volunteers will be provided including food handling certification.

    If you’re interested contact Kate Williamson on 01968 670 264.

    Core Skills in Volunteer Management

    Last month Volunteer Midlothian and Midlothian Voluntary Action hosted ‘Core Skills in Volunteer Management’ training in Dalkeith. The course – designed and delivered by Volunteer Edinburgh – is a veritable ‘tour de force’ in how to support and manage volunteers. It was great to work in partnership with Volunteer Edinburgh to provide this valuable opportunity to local organisations, whilst learning some really interesting facts about volunteering along the way.

    For example, did you know that the number of people volunteering at any given time in Scotland tends to sit at around a third of the total population? In Midlothian the rate is currently around 32% according to the most recent data from the Scottish Household Survey (2018), although this does vary considerably depending on the type and duration of volunteering. We also learned that people from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with protected characteristics under the 2010 Equalities Act (for example minority ethnic groups) are less likely to volunteer. The training reminded us that volunteer involving organisations need to be proactive about ensuring that everyone is represented and supported to participate, no matter what background they are from. The CVSM course runs regularly and we would highly recommend attending if you are involved in supporting or managing volunteers.

    For more info about future dates in Edinburgh, contact Volunteer Edinburgh on 0131 225 0630 or visit the Volunteer Edinburgh website.